Steam engines were the first successful engines invented and were the driving force behind the industrial revolution. This was because trains had to run to timetables whereas people could usually rely on the sun. The purpose of an engine is to provide power, a steam engine provides mechanical power by using the energy of steam. Perhaps the most interesting side effect was that they brought time to the country before clocks, watches and radios were in common use. The railways also brought mail, books, and up-to-date newspapers, with the latest news, while goods from the town or produce from the farm could be railed to the city or a port. It also meant manufactured goods, like fuel stoves for homes or agricultural implements for farms, could be purchased much more cheaply and quickly. Assessing the role of steam power in the first industrial revolution: The early work of Nick von Tunzelmann. A key invention is the addition of cooling around the containers to force the steam to condense. Why the industrial revolution was British: commerce, induced invention, and the scientific revolution1. One is a new sort of steam pump, essentially two devices like de Caus, but attached to a single boiler. For the first time people could easily visit family and friends in other towns, and go to the city or beach for a holiday. 1663 : Edward Somerset, 2nd Marquis of Worcester, publishes a selection of his inventions.

They began fifty years before the first cars arrived and transformed people’s lives. LONDON, June 9 (Reuters Breakingviews) - There is much excited chatter that automation will unleash a Fourth Industrial Revolution, building on earlier upheavals caused by the arrival of steam. Though the major role of railways was the transport of goods, they also linked towns with the world outside and virtually guaranteed their prosperity and growth. It’s hard to appreciate now just how important the coming of the railways were to communities. Identify as many different positive impacts as you can by selecting key words and phrases from the text. Read this summary of the ways in which the railway system positively impacted communities.